Thursday, February 25, 2010

The way to 5S

Whoever wishes to be promoted to the league of the ‘5S Best in Class’, must implement and uphold the principles of the 5S consistently and fully. This is how to go about it:

The first stage is the initial rating and recording of the ACTUAL state within the scope of an audit. The consultant offers recommendation based on the result and prepares a road map together with management and the teams.

This is followed by the implementation phase, in which the teams get down to work and clean, sort out, arrange things reasonably, apply markings, introduce standards and visualize in accordance with the 5S strategy.

Progress is recorded within the scope of follow-up audits and further need for action and training is determined. Committed companies succeed within one year, in beefing up individual areas in such a way that sound audit results are achieved.

If a number of areas adopted in accordance with the size of the company achieves a level of fulfillment of 95% or more in the audit, conditions for the award of ‘5S Best in Class’ are deemed fulfilled.

5S is not just production. Laboratory areas, construction departments and offices are also included and can be audited.

Evaluation with respect to Best in Class concentrates on core processes. Auditing may be done through the entire year.

Auditing and handover of certificate may be done by Masaaki Imai based on consultation. Mr. Imai would then inspect the respective areas personally and give individual tips and evaluations.

Whoever passes the auditing on ‚5S Best in Class’ becomes a VIP member of the 5S Fan club.

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