Monday, February 22, 2010

Super 5S & 7S

Terkini timbul pula bengkel/kursus 7S dengan tambahan S6 = Safety S7 = Security/Supervisory. Saya rasa ini adalah sekadar pendekatan Syarikat untuk menarik pelanggan untuk menyertai bengkel. Namun begitu usaha ini dilihat ingin memperkukuhkan lagi kekuatan 5S itu dan memberi nilai-tambah kepada sistem yang ada. Bagaimanapun pelbagai reaksi dari pencinta 5S dapat dibaca menerusi web antaranya :
"Often the 6th S, such as Safety, does not fit logically into the 5S meaning. Each S in the 5S model denotes a set of actions or approach. Hence Seiri is Clearing; to sort and discard unnecessary items, Seiton is Organizing; to arrange necessary items systematically and so on. The result of these actions is better safety, less waste etc which further leads to lower cost and higher profitability. Safety being a noun simply does not fit into the set; unless these organizations are prepared to re-define the each of the 5 Ss in terms of nouns such as clutter, orderliness, cleanliness etc.
In the case of Safety, it is superfluous because it is already addressed the other 5S steps; especially Seiton, and specifically Visual Control .Safety is the result of 5S not an additional ingredient in the 5S dish. "

Berdasarkah hujah di atas makanya saya rasa ide 7S bagus diganti dengan 'Super 5S'.

Program Super 5S di Sri Langka --Klik sini

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