Thursday, April 29, 2010

Berjayakah Melaka Menjadi Negeri 5S Pertama di Malaysia?

Dari mata kasar pelawat yang pergi ke Melaka dan Alor Gajah, amatlah ketara sekali kebersihan persekitarannya. Di Bandar Melaka pula signage jalan amat membanggakan dimana pengguna jalanraya mudah mencari sesuatu destinasi yang hendak dituju.
Terkini Yayasan Melaka dan Pusat Zakat Melaka pula telah berjaya mendapatkan Persijilan 5S dari MPC. Maka bagi organisasi yang ingin membuat benchmarking 5S di Melaka kini terdapat banyak pilihan. Tahniah Melaka!.

Berita dari web MPC:-

Perhimpunan bulanan bagi Kerajaan Negeri Melaka Siri 4/2010 di Dataran Seri Negeri, Ayer Keroh pada kali ini menyaksikan satu majlis penyampaian Sijil Amalan Berkualiti 5S kepada Pusat Zakat Melaka.

Pada sesi penyampaian sijil tersebut, wakil dari pihak MPC iaitu Dr Rahmat Md Smail, Pengarah MPC Wilayah Selatan, telah menyampaikan sijil tersebut kepada YB Datuk Wira Omar Kaseh, Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Melaka untuk disampaikan kepada Tuan Haji Ismail Haji Hasim, Pengurus Besar Pusat Zakat Melaka.

Syabas dan tahniah kepada semua warga kerja Pusat Zakat Melaka diatas segala usaha dan semangat kerja berpasukan sehingga menerima penganugerahan Sijil Amalan Persekitaran Berkualiti 5S.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Tahniah diucapkan pada Fakulti Kejuruteraan UPM kerana lulus Audit Pematuhan Persijilan bagi Amalan Persekitaran Berkualiti(5s) pada 29 Mac 2010 yang lalu. Audit yang dijalankan oleh Perbadanan Produktiviti Malaysia (MPC) itu mendapati Fakulti Kejuruteraan telah memenuhi kriteria 5S bagi persekitaran berkualiti dalam skop pengurusan pejabat.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

5S Flowchart

An Organized Workplace the Foundation for Safety

Michael A. Taubitz
Global Health and Safety Regulatory Liaison
General Motors Corporation

We’ve recognized for many years that good housekeeping is fundamental to a safe working environment. An organized workplace takes this foundation to a higher level.

What you need – where you need it – when you need it

Why should we bother with the extra effort to be organized? After all, we have computer systems and information technology to help us organize our daily lives; moreover, today’s work pace is frantic, with constant change and personnel turnover. The problem is that in today’s information society, we get far more information than is needed, and it often collects in our offices, files and storage rooms. A hectic pace with constant change appears to be part of everyone’s future.

These are the very reasons why moving toward an organized workplace is so critical in today’s fast-paced business world. Things don’t get better automatically, and organization will help to reduce stress. It can also prevent "shortcuts."

When people have problems, they often take shortcuts to get a job done. Probability will eventually catch up with those who do not take time to do things the correct way. When an injury or problem occurs we typically ask why Jane or Joe didn’t follow prescribed operating procedures. Factors like the stress of getting the job done, not finding the right tool, having to walk too far to do something properly or having to wait are easily overlooked causal elements. It’s also common to find that the person did not know the correct way to do the task. Management often resorts to more training, warnings and use of personal protective equipment to deal with the situation.

A more enlightened approach is to organize the workplace where employees can do a job quickly and safely. Sounds good – but how to do that with the crush of deadlines and ever-increasing workload may seem insurmountable. A process proven for decades in Japanese manufacturing industry and adopted by top US companies offers a simple solution. The process is known as 5S and has five easy steps that can be applied in any environment. As you review these next few pages, think about how fundamental these steps are to establishing and maintaining planned and preventive maintenance programs. 5S is ideal for those who wish to move to the concept of "operator-owner" where a machine operator is responsible for basic maintenance.

The 5S process is comprised of five Japanese words, each beginning with "s." Their English equivalents are:


Fundamental to successful implementation of 5S, is education of the workforce to recognize the nebulous thing we call "waste." To accomplish this, we can identify problems using the following seven categories or forms of waste easily remembered as COMMWIP:

Movement of Material
Motion (excess for people)
Process/Procedure (lack or faulty)

Examples of waste are all around us – we just take them for granted. Once employees gain an understanding of a problem, they can begin to identify waste encountered in their daily lives.

7 Forms of Waste Example of Waste

1. correction redoing a report, repairing a part or redoing a service
2. overproduction running unneeded copies
3. motion taking more steps than necessary to complete a task
4. material movement material being routed through many steps
5. waiting waiting to do work or parts waiting to be worked upon
6. inventory old office or business supplies that no longer have value but are still being stored
7. procedure or process redoing things because of a cumbersome procedure

It’s common to see over 50% improvement in inventory, but the application of 5S produces many benefits:

improves organizational efficiency
reduces waste in all forms
cuts hidden and direct costs
cuts down employee frustration when "the system doesn’t work"
improves speed and quality of work performance
improves safety
creates a visually attractive environment

Thursday, April 22, 2010

5S & ICC

-ISHIKAWA diagram a.k.a fish-bone diagram is very popular tool in ICC a.ctivities.
While ICC project can also be derived from 5S activities.

Correct and guided 5S action in an organization is very important. Innovative and creative circles(ICC)also needs to be given high priority in terms of training and recognition. Both activities will produce better quality products as well as higher productivity. While productivity is, above all, an attitude of mind. It seeks to continually improve what already exists. It is based on a conviction that one can do things better today than yesterday and better tomorrow than today.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Taska Pun Dah Dapat Sijil 5S!

Taska Sedidik di bawah naungan Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) yang telah mendapat taraf taska pertama di Malaysia yang mendapat persijilan 5S! Tahniah daripada kami Warga MPC Sarawak. Projek di kendalikan oleh Puan Norliza Ahmad dan Puan Shahriza Bahari telah berjaya meletakkan taska ini sebagai sebuah tempat yang mempunyai Sistem Amalan Persekitaran Berkualiti. Dijayakan oleh warga SeDidik itu sendiri dengan kerjasama anak-anak kecil yang turut bekerjasama menjayakan 5S di taska mereka. Majlis penyampaian sijil 5S ini akan diadakan pada 27 Januari 2010 nanti! Nanti berita selanjutnya pada 27 Januari nanti! Tahniah sekali lagi!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Practical 5S Workshop In Renton Washington

The 5S's are used by a great many companies in order to establish a workplace that facilitates continuous improvement. However, many 5S programs stall in as little as 6 months. This workshop will show you the finer points of developing a successful 5S program, one that will contribute to your companies' profitability for years to come. In this (3) hour workshop, participants will learn how to setup a 5S program that will transform the workplace, and succeed for the future. The following topics are covered:

* What are the 5S's?
* Application in various workplaces (mfg, office, assembly, processing)
* Defining the 5S program
o The 5S plan
o Beginning a successful 5S implementation
* Involving workers
* Measuring success
o Elements which ensure successful implementation
o Keeping your 5S program on track
* Sustaining the 5S program for the future

--->Related Website

Friday, April 16, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

What is Five S?

What is a Five S?
A Five S program is usually a part of, and the key component of establishing a Visual Workplace. and are both a part of Kaizen -- a system of continual improvement -- which is a component of lean manufacturing.

Improve manufacturing with a 5S ProgramThe Five S program focuses on having visual order, organization, cleanliness and standardization. The results you can expect from a Five S program are: improved profitability, efficiency, service and safety.

The principles underlying a Five S program at first appear to be simple, obvious common sense. And they are. But until the advent of Five S programs many businesses ignored these basic principles.

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

From MPC's East Coast Blog


-What is '5S'?
'5S' is a systematic, 5 step method of organizing a work place/ home or a school.
-What can you get when you apply '5S' system?
You will improve team culture, morale & motivation, job satisfaction,
productivity, quality & safety and identify hidden talents.
-What is the objective of '5S'?
The objective of '5S' are reducing wasted effort, time, money, accidents, stress and improving customer services.

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Program Kesedaran Amalan 5S Dari QDC


- Impak dan kepentingan Kaizen untuk menjadikan organisasi berdaya saing
- Memahami Falsafah, Kebaikan dan Objektif 5S
- Memahami kepentingan 5S dalam meningkatkan Produktiviti dan Kualiti di
tempat kerja
- Memahami Amalan 5S
- Sebagai Pengerak Meningkatkan Prestasi syarikat

1. Organisasi “World Class”
- Ciri-ciri persaingan
- Visi, Misi Syarikat

2. Mengenalpasti Pembaziran di Organisasi
- Bagaimana masa operasi di jadikan
- 7 Jenis pembaziran

- Aspek-aspek kebiasaan Kaizen
- Fokus utama Kaizen

4. Amalan 5S
- Falsafah
- Kebaikan
- Objektif


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Menjayakan 5S (Catitan Ringkas yaba Jun 2007)

The Why? And What To Do? Amalan 5S


Faedah-Faedah Amalan 5S Di Pejabat

1. Memastikan Kebersihan,Keselamatan dan Kesihatan di pejabat
2. Sebagai satu mekanisma ‘Team-Building’ seterusnya Meningkatkan ‘Team-Work’ dalam Organisasi
3. Menerapkan sikap bertanggungjawab (Self-Responsibility Culture)
4. Memastikan setiap ruang dan harta pejabat digunakan dan diselenggarakan sebaiknya
5. Penghayatan ‘Tonggak 12’ iaitu Menghargai Masa, Keseronokan Bekerja, Ketekunan Membawa Kejayaan, Keutamaan Kesabaran, Ketinggian Peribadi, Kekuatan Sifat Baik Hati, Kemuliaan Kesederhanaan, Kebijaksanaan Berkhemah, Peningkatan Bakat dan Nikmat Mencipta.
6. Menimbulkan keceriaan tempat kerja
7. Pengesanan Fail dan dokumen dapat dibuat dalam masa kurang dari 30 saat
8. Memastikan sistem ’parking’ ’label’ dan index’ serta ’visual-management’ diamalkan secara berkesan untuk pengesanan (traceability) maklumat oleh pegawai bertugas dan sesiapa sahaja dalam organisasi
9. ’Delivery System’ kepada pelanggan dalaman dan luaran
berjalan lancar
10. Amalan penambahbaikan dan perubahan berterus-terusan
11. Meningkatkan produktiviti dan kualiti seterusnya imej jabatan.

Tugas Zon

1. Mesyuarat Minima Sekali dalam Sebulan- Fail perlu ada
2. Pembahagian tugas 3S kepada setiap ahli zon
3. Pembahagian ’ownership’(tanggungjawab penjagaan) setiap harta gunasama di dalam zon
4. Memastikan pengesanan kurang dari 30 saat untuk dokumen dan fail dipatuhi
5. Sistem ’traceability’ iaitu ’parking’, ’label’, ’index’ dan ’visual-management’ digunakan secara berkesan
6. Memberi nama zon yang sesuai dengan persetujuan Jabatan.

Tugas Jawatankuasa

Jawatankuasa Promosi---mesti ada
1. Mewar-warkan aktiviti 5S menggunakan media cetak , e-mel , t-shirt, badge dsb
2. Anjurkan Gotong-royong
3. Bertanggungjawab kepada Sudut 5S
4. Mewujudkan rangsangan Amalan 5S seperti mengadakan pertandingan dengan hadiah, piala pusingan dsb
5. Fail Aktiviti yang kemaskini

Jawatankuasa Audit –mesti ada
1. Menjalankan audit dalaman bulanan
2. Membantu audit luar
3. Membuat laporan kelemahan selepas audit
4. Mempamerkan keputusan
5. Fail Aktiviti yang kemaskini

Jawatankuasa Latihan – mesti ada

1. Menganjurkan program taklimat,latihan dan lawatan
2. Memastikan semua kakitangan memahami ’philosophy’ dan konsep 5S
3. Fail Aktiviti yang kemaskini

Jawatankuasa Pengekalan
1. Memastikan amalan 5S berterusan dengan menggunakan kaedah ’Full-Circle-Appraisal’ dsb
2. Membuat ’Guideline Amalan 5S’
3. Fail aktiviti yang kemaskini

Jawatankuasa Sekretariat
1. Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Induk Sebulan Sekali
2. Fail Induk Amalan 5S yang kemaskini
3. Menguruskan ’Management Review’
4. Menguruskan ’Recognition’ pemenang ’best-drawer’, ’best kept-place’, ’best zone’ , ’best-multimedia’ bulanan dll pertandingan bulanan/tahunan anjuran J/kuasa promosi dan berdasarkan keputusan J/kuasa Audit
5. Urusetia kepada taklimat 5S dan lawatan 5S
6. Sedia Dokumentasi lengkap untuk persembahan semasa hari audit persijilan dan audit anugerah kebangsaan

Jawatankuasa Multimedia
1. Memastikan setiap zon merakam ’Journey To 5S’ masing-masing untuk tujuan pertandingan antara zon
2. Menghasilkan rakaman ‘Journey To 5S…..’
3. Fail aktiviti yang kemaskini

Jawatankuasa Standad
1. Memastikan Standad 3S pertama diamalkan
2. Menjalankan ujian masa pengesanan 30 saat dipatuhi
3. Fail aktiviti yang kemaskini

Jawatankuasa R&D
1. Mengenalpasti Keistemewaan 5S yang khusus
2. Pendokumentasian semua inovasi setiap zon bagi pencalunan ’Excellence Example of 5S’ untuk anugerah 5S Kebangsaan
3. Fail aktiviti yang kemaskini

Rangsangan Amalan 5S dicadangkan:
1. Piala Pusingan Johan, Naib Johan dan ke 3 untuk Best Zone dan Best Multimedia
2. Piala Johan, Naib Johan dan Ketiga Best Drawer & Best Kept-place
3. Hadiah Tahunan mengikut pekeliling Hari... Johan Zon RM300 Naib Johan RM200 dan Ketiga RM100

Nota: Dicadangkan Hadiah dan piala pusingan disumbang oleh .....

18 Januari 2007
Update: 05/06/07

Discussion On 5S

..I totally agree with having 5S as an independent article content since the 5S can be a stand-alone approach in Japan. However, as a 5S researcher and a Japanese, I would like editors to consider the definition of 5S as a whole. As Ehusman defined above, "5S is a Philosophy and a way of organizing and managing the workspace" is in line with the common definition written in Japanese 5S books. However, the article begins with "5S is a reference to five Japanese words that describe standardised cleanup". This is not accurately interpreting the entire meaning of 5S. Although the 5S stems from the language of everyday life in Japan, it is much more than "standardised cleanup". Much appreciated when this was more considered as my English level is as good as to be an editor of the article. KayGC 13:54, 14 April 2007 (UTC)

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

5S Book by Hiroyuki Hirano

Putting 5S to Work, by Hiroyuki Hirano, is a handbook for the practical implementation of the 5S program.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

5S for addressing ones clutter.

I recently rediscovered the 5s Process which originates in Japan as part of Kaizen. It seems to be a nice complementary technique / conceptualisation for addressing ones clutter - sometimes a term does the trick:

SEIRI: create tidyness. Throw away all unused stuff, file away the rest.
SEITON: keep evertything at the right place. Keep the tools you need accessible, hide materials you don't need regularly.
SEISO: keep your (work-)space clean, remove all traces from the previous task before starting the next.
SEIKETSU: develop a personal sense for organizing your things. Develop routines, optimize your system according to your needs.
SHITSUKE: stay disciplined doing the above, make it a habit and permanent practice.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Top 10 Tips for 5S Success

There are a lot of benefits to be gained by putting a 5S process in place, but many organizations fail to successfully accomplish this goal.
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