How to Make 5S as a Culture in Chinese Enterprises

In more than twenty years, a lot of enterprises in Chinese Mainland have carried out 5S that is the basis for lean production in consideration of its great success in other countries, but many of them failed to realize their original targets because they use 5S merely as a tool and expect to profit from it in short time without combination with local culture. The paper points out main misunderstandings and errors of Chinese enterprises in implementing 5S via investigation in manufacturing enterprises, which result in the failure of 5S management, and proposes steps to carry out 5S program successfully namely how to make 5S as a culture. more

Monday, July 26, 2010

Information About 5S+ (or 6S) - How Safety is incorporated into 5S

I guess the way I look at it is that no matter what the topic or process is, 5S applies. Safety is not an "S" unto should be integrated into the concept of 5S....Join Roxane Ontario Canada in this forum...

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

10 Impak S2 (Susun)

i) Kawalan stok dan produk/output yang cekap
ii) Masa pencarian/pengesanan yang pantas
iii) Proses kerja lebih pantas
iv) Mengelak kesilapan dan kesalahan
v) Kadar kehilangan peralatan rendah
vi) Suasana kerja lebih teratur
vii) Mendidik disiplin pekerja kearah lebih positif
viii) Penjanaan idea kreatif di kalangan pekerja
ix) Moral pekerja tinggi
x) Selamat di tempat kerja

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Friday, July 23, 2010

5S Books From India.

It is said by Quality Gurus if an organization cannot implement Five S effectively, they will not be successful in their effort to succeed in this fierce competitive world.

Click to order

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Amalan 3S Menggantikan 5S Di Jepun?.

Benarkah Amalan 5S yang semakin popular di Malaysia akan bertukar menjadi Amalan 3S?
Melihat kepada pengertian ke lima-lima S iaitu Seiri-Seiton-Seiso-Seiketsu dan Shitsuke memanglah munasabahnya ada jika Jepun bertukar kepada 3S sahaja. Ianya akan menggambarkan Jepun maju setapak lagi selepas mengamalkan 5S 30 tahun di mana kini S ke 4 dan ke 5 tak perlu lagi dinyatakan kerana telah menjadi budaya. Dalam kontek ini kita perlu memahami 5S itu dalam pengertian asal bahasa Jepun kerana alih bahasa ke Bahasa Malaysia memang ada sedikit perbezaan maksud terutama S ke 4 iaitu 'Seragam'. Perkataan 'Seragam' memang lebih tepat jika menggunakan 'Standadisasi'.

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Self Discipline Culture - S ke 5

Satu petang kami menjengah bilik mesyuarat utama. Kami dapati kerusi-kerusi dalam bilik tersebut tidak lagi berada di tempat mengikut susunan(S2).Hal ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa kerja semudah mengembalikan kerusi ke tempat asal selepas digunakan pun belum menjadi amalan 'sentiasa amal' iaitu S ke 5, di kalangan kakitangan.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Understanding Seiso From 'My 5S Corner Blog'

Cleaning removes dust and dirt from our equipment. Dust and dirt are the cause of many equipment problems. Hence, we can say that cleaning removes the direct source of many equipment problems. This basic principle is applicable to all equipment; including those that our Creator gave us.Our teeth for instance are important equipment which we use regularly. Some people do not take care of their teeth resulting in their loss before they even reach the age of thirty. But some people, like my dad have a good set of teeth even when they reach a ripe old age. Why the difference? The answer is mainly because the second group of people take good care of their teeth. How?

1) By regular brushing and flossing.
2) By visiting their dentist regularly.

Have you ever thought about what the dentist does whenever you saw him? The first thing he does is to do scaling. Scaling removes the ‘dirt’ which your normal brushing could not. Plus, in the process of scaling, the dentist carries out a detail check of your teeth to detect any minor problem and take action before it becomes serious. You could say, Early detection saves teeth.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tandas di R&R Maju Expressway Sungguh Mengecewakan . Lagi Bukti Syarikat Kurang Fokus Pelanggan

Peti tisu kosong dan ruang mandi banyak sampah adalah 2 hal yang 'pelik' saya temui di R&R KL ke Putrajaya hari ini. Kemana perginya pegawai yang bertanggungjawab. Yang jelas tiada amalan meletakkan nama 'person-in-charge'. Syarikat yang sama juga tidak mengindahkan mentol yang terbakar di surau lelaki TOL Putrajaya. Sejak post saya pada 3 Jun mentol di surau tersebut masih belum diganti. Apa yang dapat kita rumuskan adalah moto syarikat iaitu Cepat-Jimat-Selamat'perlu ditambah dengan 1 lagi iaitu 'Bersih' manakala syarikat pula perlu lebih fokus pelanggan dengan mengamalkan 5S.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Contoh KPI Amalan 5S HUKM

Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) adalah merupakan pengamal 5S yang konsisten. Ini terbukti dengan penganjuran Konvensyen KIK 5S pada tahun 2009 sebagai salah satu aktiviti Minggu Q. Antara penekanan dalam Konvensyen yang disertai oleh lebih 10 kumpulan itu adalah mengenengahkan KPI 5S bagi setiap projek yang dipertandingkan.

Link ke contoh KPI HUKM

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Amalan S ke 4 Yang Memberi Kesan

Pagi tadi sewaktu di kuliah subuh di sebuah surau saya telah masuk ke tandas untuk membuang air-besar. Sejurus ingin keluar dari tandas tersebut saya terbaca tulisan seperti di dalam gambar di atas. Tulisan itu telah membuat saya mengambil langkah untuk menyiram ruang lantai dan memastikan ianya benar-benar bersih sebelum meninggalkannya. Sungguhpun ayat meninggal dalam tulisan itu seolah penulisnya terlupa perkataan 'kan' namun saya menganggapnya satu peringatan juga iaitu sebelum kita meninggalkan dunia (perkataan lazimnya 'meninggal') maka kita kenalah pastikan diri kita dalam keadaan 'bersih'. Tahniah dan syabas pada jawatankuasa surau ataupun siapa jua yang telah menulis pesanan ringkas tersebut walaupun pendek tetapi memberikan kesan S ke 4.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Change Behaviour-Get Organised-Practice 5S

##Most people attempt to solve disorganization by purchasing products and tools, but the Institute of Living, located in Hartford, Conn., says this may not work. According to the Institute of Living, disorganization is commonly not a house problem that can be solved with buying bins, organizers, hangers and other household accessories, but rather a personal problem that can only be solved when the individual fundamentally changes his behavior.

##According to the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization, a person who finds herself continuously surrounded by mess and chaos should seek help and work with a professional organizer who is knowledgeable about disorganization issues. A person who is able to get organized can experience better mental and physical health. Organization places a person in a more productive environment that is conducive to enhancing his quality of life.

Read more: What are the Causes of Disorganization? |

Friday, July 9, 2010

'Gotong Royong' Is Key To Success In 5S

'Gotong Royong' is the key factor to attain success, no matter how big or how small an organization is.
An old Japanese proverb sums up the essence of effective 'Gotong Royong' - 'none of us is as smart as any of us'. In other words, multiple minds are better than a single mind. The key to effective 'Gotong Royong' lies in surrendering individual ego so that it gives way to facilitating the accomplishment of objectives and outcomes that are infinitely larger than individual goals. Individual aspiration will have to give way to the emergence of common ground.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Klinik Gigi Yang Mengamalkan 5S

Satu pagi saya ke klinik gigi kerana dah 2 hari gigi saya berdenyut-denyut tak tentu masa. Sampai di klinik saya dapat rasakan suasana klinik yang begitu teratur sekali. Gigi saya pun terasa kurang denyutannya. Nahh...itulah barangkali penangan amalan 5S!.