Sunday, February 28, 2010

America’s messiest desk & Useful Facts

"The bottom line is, the average person feels negatively affected by disorganization in many ways: increased stress, missed deadlines, lost opportunities, that sinking, drowning feeling," Izsak(President of Professional Organisers Association)) said. "For the average person, disorganization and chaos simply doesn’t feel good."

"When you’re disorganized, it’s an expense you have no control over, the cost in lost productivity," Izsak said. "You’re losing money if you’re not organized."

Useful Facts

# 80% of records in the average organization are paper based

# 80% of all papers that are filed are never looked at again

# 80% of clutter is the result of disorganization and not a lack of space

5S mengilhamkan Satu Profession Baru

Di Amerika,Kanada, Australia dan New Zealand 5S telah menjadi satu profession.Profession berteraskan 5S itu ditokok tambah sikit dengan time management dll. Silalah baca:-
Pakar 5S yang beroperasi di Los Angeles dan New York melalui webnya telah mempromosikan 'The 15 Minute Workout':-

The 15 Minute Workout:
For Your Office Space- the Desk

Just because your desk might frighten you (or anyone else for that matter), doesn’t mean you have to take all day to organize it. Get started and make it workout

Step One – Analysis 5minutes

What's not working and why
Is your desk where you want it to be? ….if not move it.
Do you have room on the top of your desk to work?
What systems should be in place to keep the surface clear?
Is my file drawer full of files, or is it a dumping ground for stuff?
Do I have everything around me that I need?
Is there a home for everything?

Step Two – Create a plan of attack 5 minutes

The top of the desk
Should be clear of clutter – the Bronco bobble-head; the paperweight from Hawaii, the promotional coffee mug; magazines; phone chargers
Should be for those projects you work on daily
The drawers of the desk
Are all different sizes – pencil drawers/paper drawers/file drawers – use them appropriately
Are for those projects you work on weekly
Around your desk
Remember – the floor is not an option.
Use the file cabinets, the bookcases, the shelving for those projects you work on monthly
Archive or toss the rest.

Step Three – make it happen – Do It 5 minutes

Attack what you see first - the top of your desk
Collect like items (scissors with scissors, bills with bills, coupons with coupons), and papers that belong together – sort and purge and categorize - keep, toss, donate, file, create in binders
Use stackable trays or vertical files to keep papers organized on your desk
Place pencils, paper clips, scissors, etc. in the pencil drawer – off the top of your desk
Continue (you may need several 5 minute “do it” sessions) until the top of your desk is cleared and ready for your daily projects.

Schedule as many 5 minute sessions as you need to complete:
Empty one drawer at a time. Sort/ purge/ measure and purchase drawer dividers to hold what you have……pencils, pads of paper, paper clips, stamps, etc. Clear the desk file drawer. Assign a place for everything, and put everything back in its place. It's a great habit to develop and a way to keep up with a desk that works for you. Prepare for your next 15 minute workout, “Creating a Filing System” for your weekly projects. (Tune in for this next 15 Minute Workout)

This 3 step 15 minute workout can help you work efficiently and feel productive. Feel good, stay healthy.

TIP: Don’t forget, if it takes 15 minutes or less…..try to do it now!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Step 4 & 5

Step 4: Keeping Records

It is important to keep records not only of decisions made but also of the problems encountered, actions taken and results achieved. Only if past practice has been recorded people will have a sense of progress and improvement over time. There are a number of tools for keeping records, these are:

1. Digital Photographs
2. "Problem" Mark
3. Quantification
4. Museum Rooms
5. DVDs

Step 5: Evaluation

As with so many other things, it is very easy to get into a routine with 5-S activities -- particularly because they demand constant everyday attention to routine details. At the same time, because the individual tasks appear minor even though they have great cumulative impact, it is easy to think that you can put them off. Everybody is busy, and it is difficult to make alert 5-S activities a part of the daily routine. Workplace evaluations and other means are needed to keep everyone abreast of what is happening and to spot problems before they develop into major complications. In essence, you need to devise ways that will get everybody competing in a friendly but no less intense manner. Your evaluation tools are the key and it is as simple as using the 5-S Audit Worksheet as your evaluation criteria.

Patrols and Cross-evaluations
Two other techniques that you can adopt to promote the 5-S activities are patrols and cross-evaluations. Patrols can go around to the various workshops and offices and point out problems. This is similar to 'managing by walking around', but the patrol members do not even need to be management personnel. They simply need to know what to look for and have the authority to point out problems that need to be worked on. They simply need to know what questions to ask.

Cross-evaluations are a variation on this theme in that they involve having teams working on similar problems offering advice to other teams. One advantage of doing this is the exchange of ideas and mutual learning.

The objective of the evaluation is to ensure that the 5-S implementation will lead to a conducive total quality environment.

The way to 5S

Whoever wishes to be promoted to the league of the ‘5S Best in Class’, must implement and uphold the principles of the 5S consistently and fully. This is how to go about it:

The first stage is the initial rating and recording of the ACTUAL state within the scope of an audit. The consultant offers recommendation based on the result and prepares a road map together with management and the teams.

This is followed by the implementation phase, in which the teams get down to work and clean, sort out, arrange things reasonably, apply markings, introduce standards and visualize in accordance with the 5S strategy.

Progress is recorded within the scope of follow-up audits and further need for action and training is determined. Committed companies succeed within one year, in beefing up individual areas in such a way that sound audit results are achieved.

If a number of areas adopted in accordance with the size of the company achieves a level of fulfillment of 95% or more in the audit, conditions for the award of ‘5S Best in Class’ are deemed fulfilled.

5S is not just production. Laboratory areas, construction departments and offices are also included and can be audited.

Evaluation with respect to Best in Class concentrates on core processes. Auditing may be done through the entire year.

Auditing and handover of certificate may be done by Masaaki Imai based on consultation. Mr. Imai would then inspect the respective areas personally and give individual tips and evaluations.

Whoever passes the auditing on ‚5S Best in Class’ becomes a VIP member of the 5S Fan club.

Rumusan Kajian Pakar Q New Zealand Tentang 5S Di Jepun

Reflections on Japanese Productivity and Efficiency..., Training, Consulting, Benchmarking, Qualification, Lean, Management

Masaaki Imai’s KAIZEN Lean journey started in 1950 at age 26, taking Japanese managers on tours of American plants looking for the secrets of high productivity and efficiency. In 1961, he returned to Japan and became the first corporate headhunter and consultant to major corporations striving for a competitive advantage. Twenty years later, the situation was reversed, with Mr. Imai receiving visitors from all over the world intent on seeking out the secrets of their Japanese trading partners- via KAIZEN Lean Study Tours.

This October I was fortunate enough to attend my second Japanese Study Tour, travelling with a small NZ contingent, to see more of how Japanese companies apply themselves to maximising productivity and efficiency in everything they do.

My overall impression is that the Japanese culture is one with a focus on delivering high quality products and services. I believe that this doctrine probably dates back to ancient times and has been translated into the modern age by companies such as Toyota, Lexus Sony and Panasonic to name but a few.

When our group visited the Toyota Plant at Tsutsumi we saw the how Productivity had been embraced with the relentless pursuit of waste elimination in the work that each operator did. “MUDA” the Japanese word for waste is understood by every employee and the philosophy of KAIZEN or continuous improvement means that everybody is looking at ways of improving productivity, everyday, everywhere.

Each and every worker knows exactly what they are to do, the sequence they are to do it in and their workplaces are set up and organised in a fashion that allows them to adopt a graceful, natural flow of movement as they repeat their tasks on a rhythmic basis. At first glance it may appear as if they are robots, and this is some kind of hard labour? However a more in depth look reveals they are relaxed, purposeful and there is no sign of stress as they work in harmony, reminding me of an orchestra as opposed to a chain gang.

There is no doubt, this is a highly efficient and productive system, and everything flows, and is in balance. Even when there is a problem, which does occasionally happen, the operators call for help using an “Andon”. A team leader scurries along to quickly assist the employee to analyse the root cause of the problem, takes corrective action downstream and only then allows the line to continue to flow.

During the weeklong tour we visited a diverse set of industries, ranging from automotive, precision die casting, plastics and for the first time, a hospital. The story remained the same, and there is no doubt in my mind that this is the recipe for success.

My advice is not to get carried away thinking that the Lean tools themselves are the answer, yes they help, but are merely extensions of the problem solving process and facilitate the relentless elimination of waste which in turn bolsters productivity, reduces lead time, cost, and improves quality.

My main conclusion, from my Japanese experience is that the philosophy of involving every employee in looking at how they do their work, and training them in the basic skills of recognising waste, workplace organisation (5S) and problem solving was the common success factor in all of the companies that we visited.

This is something that New Zealand should consider as a challenge, we seem to fall behind our OECD partners each year, especially countries that have Japanese manufacturers within their borders. We need to embrace this recipe quickly if we are to maintain and improve our productivity, and realise that this is really a common sense approach that everyone can get involved in

Institut 5S Pertama adalah di India

Mumbai based institute, 5S, a Japanese Workplace Philosophy, is keen on promoting this unique management concept in Jharkhand. H K Varma, the director of the institute hail from Ranchi, in a seminar on Sunday, 09 September, told that he has a special liking for this state. The seminar organized by the institute in a loca hotel, Arya, was attend by prominent industrialist, businessmen, professionals and retired bureaucrats of the city.

As per the director Varma, the 5S Institute is India’s (and the world’s) first and only institute for the dissemination of dedicated training on 5S, a Japanese Workplace Philosophy that has been creating a revolution in effectiveness and efficiency. While, conceptually, 5S is old hat, its systematic and earnest implementation by numerous progressive Indian Industrial houses in the recent years has led to dramatic improvements in their results.

Some of the major practitioners of 5S in India include the Aditya Birla, TVS and Tata Groups, and various others. 5S Institute is currently working with a vast range of organisations from Engineering, Chemical, Ceramic Tiles, Steel, Hospital, and even a major High Court!

5S is the first step taken, in varying degrees, in all Workplace Improvement initiatives like TQM, TPM, Kaizen, JIT & Six Sigma. Applicable to all business, commercial and service activities like industry, banks, hospitals, hotels, government and commercial offices, transport and airlines companies, 5S impacts the entire working of an organization as under:
Concept of 5S

Some of the early and major practitioners of 5S in India are Indo-Gulf Fertilisers (as far back as 1995-96), Classic Stripes, Tata Motors, Sundaram Fasteners and the latest entrant ICICI Bank, which has achieved tremendous benefits in cost and improvement in customer response times entirely due to its massive 5S effort over 12 months of rigorous implementation.

Institute enlists the major benefits of 5S implementation are:
- Significant freeing of work space for productive work
- Major reduction in search time of documents and other items (A 5S office is expected to retrieve any document in less than a minute!)
- As a result of the above, much faster response times to Customer Requests,
- Reduction in loss due to damage and misplacement of goods in storage.
- Reduction in consumption of consumables.
- Reduction in number and duration of machine breakdowns.
- Reduction in material handling damages.
- Significant reduction in “search time on the shop floor” be it for tools, equipment, components or even drawings and documents.
- Visible and distinctive improvement in House keeping.
- Generation of a much “safer” and more “hygienic” working environment.
- Tremendous improvement in morale of the entire workforce and a healthy build – up of “pride” in one’s work-place

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Step 2: 5-S Training

Step 2: 5-S Training

The 5-S activities are all directed at eliminating waste and effecting continuous improvement in the workplace. Right from the beginning there will seem to be lots of 5-S activities to be done. As you go on, you will notice that there are always additional 5-S problems to solve. They are not insurmountable, though, if considered and solved one at a time.

It is essential in the 5-S activities that you train people to be able to devise and implement their own solutions. Progress that is not self-sustaining -- progress that always has to rely upon outside help -- is not real progress. It is important that your people know, for example, how to use the computer to do charts and graphs, even if it is not part of their job description. They need to study maintenance techniques. And oddly enough, the more problems they are capable of solving, the more problems they will spot.

Training should also include section-wide or company-wide meetings where people can announce their results. Not only does this provide incentive, but the exchange of ideas and information is often just what you need to keep everybody fresh.

Monday, February 22, 2010

5 Langkah Menjayakan 5S dari Prof. Sam Ho - The 5S Guru

How to Implement the 5-S?

5-S implementation requires commitment from both the top management and everyone in the organisation. It is also important to have a 5-S Champion to lead the whole organisation towards 5-S implementation step-by-step. If you decide to be the 5-S Champion of your organisation, the following steps will help you to achieve success.

Step 1: Get Top Management Commitment and be Prepared

You have to sell the idea of the 5-S to the most senior executive of your organisation. Moreover, and like any other quality programme, it is no good to get just his lip-service. He needs to be 100% committed; not just in announcing the start of the 5-S practice in the promoting campaign, but committed to give resources for training and improvements. Then you need to get prepared yourself.

In promoting the 5-S activities, the important thing is to do them one at a time and to do each thoroughly. Even the little things have to be taken seriously if they are to make any meaningful impact. This process can be stratified as follows:

Make a decision and implement it (e.g., the decision to get rid of everything you do not need, the decision to have a major housecleaning, and the decision to have 5-minute clean-up periods).
Make tools and use them (e.g., special shelves and stands for things, instructional labels, and placement figures).
Do things that demand improvements as prerequisites (e.g., covers to prevent filings from scattering and measures to prevent leakage).
Do things that require help from other departments (e.g., fixing defective machinery, changing the layout, and preventing oil leakage).

Web Power Mengenai 5S

5S : The secret to Japanese Success --> web

From 5S to Business Excellence ---> web

Super 5S & 7S

Terkini timbul pula bengkel/kursus 7S dengan tambahan S6 = Safety S7 = Security/Supervisory. Saya rasa ini adalah sekadar pendekatan Syarikat untuk menarik pelanggan untuk menyertai bengkel. Namun begitu usaha ini dilihat ingin memperkukuhkan lagi kekuatan 5S itu dan memberi nilai-tambah kepada sistem yang ada. Bagaimanapun pelbagai reaksi dari pencinta 5S dapat dibaca menerusi web antaranya :
"Often the 6th S, such as Safety, does not fit logically into the 5S meaning. Each S in the 5S model denotes a set of actions or approach. Hence Seiri is Clearing; to sort and discard unnecessary items, Seiton is Organizing; to arrange necessary items systematically and so on. The result of these actions is better safety, less waste etc which further leads to lower cost and higher profitability. Safety being a noun simply does not fit into the set; unless these organizations are prepared to re-define the each of the 5 Ss in terms of nouns such as clutter, orderliness, cleanliness etc.
In the case of Safety, it is superfluous because it is already addressed the other 5S steps; especially Seiton, and specifically Visual Control .Safety is the result of 5S not an additional ingredient in the 5S dish. "

Berdasarkah hujah di atas makanya saya rasa ide 7S bagus diganti dengan 'Super 5S'.

Program Super 5S di Sri Langka --Klik sini

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Persaingan Menjayakan 5S Semakin Hangat.

Sebuah lagi organisasi kerajaan yang telah mendapat persijilan 5S dapat dilihat di sini.

TASKA pertama mendapat persijilan 5S. Sila klik.

Kolej PJ mendapat persijilan.

Pelabuhan pertama di Malaysia mendapat persijilan 5S.Pelabuhan Miri.

Perpustakaan TTDI bangga menjadi yang pertama.

Organisasi paling singkat mendapat persijilan.

Organisasi di Sarawak sedia berkongsi pengalaman menjayakan 5S. Terima Kasih.

Negeri Tok Guru Paling Maju Jayakan 5S

Perkembangan Sistem 5S yang begitu drastik dapat dilihat di Kelantan. Pada tahun 2009 Majlis Bandaraya Islam Kota Bahru telah dipilih sebagai Pemenang Anugerah Kebangsaan Persekitaran Berkualiti(5S) oleh Malaysian Produktivity Corporation. Terkini melalui ruang komuti kita akhbar KOSMO 21 Februari 2010, Klinik Kesihatan Kota Bahru pula berikrar untuk mendapat persijilan 5S pada bulan Mei 2010. Berita penuh adalah seperti berikut;-


Sistem 5S di klinik kesihatan

SEBAHAGIAN daripada 140 warga kerja berikrar sempena Majlis Pelancaran Sistem 5S di Klinik Kesihatan Bandar, Kota Bharu baru-baru ini.

IKRAR. Seramai 140 orang warga kerja Klinik Kesihatan Bandar di Jalan Hospital, Kota Bharu, Kelantan berikrar melaksanakan sistem 5S (sisih, sapu, susun, seragam dan sentiasa amal) dalam usaha meningkatkan pengurusan kerja baru-baru ini.

Sistem 5S yang berasal dari Jepun itu melibatkan amalan kebersihan di tempat kerja, sistem penyusunan dokumen yang sistematik dan mudah capai serta tiada lagi pembaziran utiliti seperti elektrik dan air.

Pegawai Perubatan Klinik Kesihatan Bandar, Dr. Mahrizah Abdullah berkata, pelaksanaan sistem 5S itu juga dapat memperkemaskan lagi sistem pengurusan dan kecekapan organisasinya.

Katanya, beliau percaya sasaran klinik itu untuk mendapatkan persijilan Perbadanan Produktiviti Malaysia (MPC) pada Mei depan tercapai menerusi penglibatan dan kerjasama semua kakitangan.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Peruntukan Menjayakan 5S

Memang sudah menjadi kebiasaan dalam setiap program di pejabat kerajaan mesti memerlukan peruntukan. Bagaikan sudah ada 'mind-set' jika tiada peruntukan maka progam tak boleh jalan. Maka itu soalan yang paling lazim ditanya semasa Q & A selepas taklimat 5S adalah berapakah anggaran peruntukan yang diperlukan untuk menjayakan 5S. Jawapan yang saya berikan adalah peruntukan untuk trainning dan untuk membeli hadiah sebagai penghargaan ataupun rangsangan.
Malahan untuk kedua-dua perkara itu pun sebenarnya tidak seberapa. Oleh itu boleh juga dirumuskan bahawa amalan 5S untuk dijayakan tidak memerlukan peruntukan baru yang khusus. Peruntukan trainning umpamanya setiap organisasi memang sediaada. Cuma peruntukan tersebut mungkin disediakan untuk menghantar kakitangan secara individu atau berkumpulan menyertai pelbagai kursus dan seumpamanya mengikut keperluan organisasi. Maka bukankah peruntukan yang sama boleh digunakan untuk penganjuran trainning 5S. Manakala untuk rangsangan pula pekeliling hari kualiti memberikan panduan jelas untuk pembeliah hadiah.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Menjayakan 5S (3)

Dari pengalaman dan penghayatan menjayakan 5S sejak penghujung 2004 hingga kini, amalan 5S sebenarnya sangat menyeronokan. Namun ianya menjadi susah untuk dilaksanakan oleh sebilangan besar organisasi berpunca dari tiada kefahaman secara menyeluruh. Pada hal kalau difikirkan secara logik jika ada organisasi yang boleh melaksanakannya sudah tentu organisasi lain juga boleh. Maka sudah tentulah langkah terawal yang perlu dilakukan adalah dengan pergi melihat tempat-tempat yang telah berjaya mendapat persijilan 5S. Adakan lawatan penandaarasan.
Negara Jepun sendiri bukanlah terlalu bijak mengatur strategi hingga begitu maju dalam pelbagai bidang. Tapi apa yang Jepun lakukan adalah meniru kemudian menambahbaik dan melakukan inovasi sendiri seterusnya mencipta jenama Jepun yang lebih berjaya menandingi serta menembusi pasaran global. Begitu juga dengan sistem amalan 5S dari Jepun ini. Ianya merupakan sesuatu yang amat logik dan praktikal. Namun persoalannya mengapakah Jepun lebih berjaya mengamalkannya? Jawapannya adalah kerana budaya disiplin-diri (self descipline culture) yang telah dipupuk dari kecil lagi disamping semangat nasionalisma rakyat Jepun yang tinggi.

Menjayakan 5S (2)

Kini 5S sudah popular di seluruh dunia. Cuma ada setengah negara maju, pelopor dan penggeraknya tidak mempopularkannya dengan nama 5S. Itulah sebab mengapa apabila kita cuba mendapatkan maklumat lanjut melalui intenet didapati tulisan mengenai 5S masih sangat sedikit. Adapun sebab sebenar mengapa 5S seakan dijenamakan semula di negara blok barat dan Amerika khususnya masih belum pasti. Kenalah saya pergi ke negara tersebut untuk membuat kajian lanjut.
Dari penelitian melalui pembacaan dan perbincangan bersama perunding 5S di Malaysia, 5S sebenarnya berasal dari Jepun. S1=Seiri, S2=Seiton, S3=Seiso, S4=Seiketsu dan S5=Shitsuke. Diterjemah kedalam Bahasa Inggeris menjadi Sort, Set-in-order, Shine, Standardise dan Sustain. Manakala dalam Bahasa Malaysia Sisih, Susun, Sapu, Seragam dan Sentiasa-Amal. Tidak seperti bahasa-bahasa lain di dunia, Bahasa Malaysia bolehlah dianggap bertuah kerana dapat juga menggunakan 'S' untuk kelima-limanya.

Berbalik kepada kisah pengalaman saya dalam 5S ini, pada tahun 2006 JUPEM Sabah telah mendapat pengiktirafan 'Anugerah Khas 5S Kebangsaan'. Manakala pada November 2006, saya telah berpindah ke Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar (NRE) di Putrajaya.
Nak jadi cerita saya telah diminta menggerakkan 5S di Bahagian tempat saya bertugas iaitu Malaysian Centre For Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MaCGDI) NRE. Syukor Alhamdullilah dalam lebih kurang setahun kemudian MaCGDI juga telah mendapat pengiktirafan Persijilan 5S sekali gus secara tak disangka menjadi organisasi pertama di Putrajaya yang mendapat persijilan tersebut. Usaha gigih kakitangan MaCGDI menjayakan 5S ditahap cemerlang dan juga banyak berkongsi pengalaman 5S dengan lain-lain organisasi, MaCGDI telah dianugerahkan 'Anugerah Khas Kebangsaan 5S 2008'. Seterusnya sehinggalah sekarang amalan 5S MaCGDI diaudit dan lulus setiap tahun oleh Malaysia Productivity Corporation (nama lamanya National Productivity Corporation). Pada tahun 2009 sejumlah 32 kumpulan/organisasi telah datang untuk membuat penandaarasan 5S di MaCGDI. MaCGDI juga kini menjadi penyelaras ke arah persijilan 5S 2010 untuk keseluruhan NRE dan juga Jabatan/Agensi di bawahnya.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Menjayakan 5S

5S kini semakin popular di organisasi perkhidmatan awam. Pada penghujung tahun 2009, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) telah menyiapkan satu Panduan Amalan 5S Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam. Dengan panduan setebal 120 mukasurat itu menjadikan JPA organisasi yang pertama memulakan perlaksanaan 5S secara lebih sistematik.

Bagi saya 5S merupakan sesuatu yang amat bernilai yang saya perolehi sepanjang perkhidmatan sejak Ogos 1985. Secara kebetulan pada penghujung 2004 seorang perunding produktiviti dan kualiti dari National Productivity Corporation telah menerangkan kepada saya mengenai 5S ini iaitu semasa saya bertugas di Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan (JUPEM) Sabah. JUPEM Sabah seterusnya mengorak langkah ke arah Persijilan 5S dengan membuat Pelancaran 5S JUPEM Sabah pada 4 April 2005 dan pada 6 April tahun 2006 berjaya mendapat pengiktirafan Persijilan 5S.